ID, Fraud & AML

Better know your customer to meet your AML/CFT obligations and detect, prevent and safeguard against fraudulent activity with a suite of products designed to empower businesses to operate safely and efficiently.

illion’s ID, Fraud and AML capability gives businesses the proficiency to verify a person’s identity and detect and prevent fraudulent activity using a multitude of specialty products.


illion greenID is an online verification and anti-money laundering (AML) platform that can quickly and accurately verify an individual’s identity against a range of data sources including government, public, and proprietary data sources. By utilising a multi-stage verification process, illion greenID can check multiple data sources in real-time to match name, address and date of birth information.

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Extreme Credit Risk (ECR)

illion’s Extreme Credit Risk (ECR) solution allows businesses in the telecommunications and unsecured finance sectors to make real-time credit assessments, and identify customers with a high credit or fraud risk. Combining illion’s consumer credit bureau and analytics, illion’s ECR solution is customisable and can be integrated into your internal systems.

Device Intelligence

Checks if a single device is being used in fraudulent activity and creates and alert. Device Intelligence creates and sends and alert to customers if a single device is attempting to make multiple applications, allowing the businesses to explore and determine if any fraudulent activity is being committed.

AML Remediation

AML obligations require companies to carry ongoing customer due diligence checks to ensure the information held on customers is up to date and accurate.  illion is helping organizations to verify their existing individual customers seamlessly using a number of exclusive data sources .  We can also help organisations contact individuals who failed the check as they may not have kept their details updated.

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Deceased Data Wash

Reduce the likelihood of fraudulent activity with a deceased data wash.  illion’s data set is taken from the only official source of deceased data in Australia, and with our Batch Wash solution we can check your customer base amongst 2.5 million records, updated daily.  Our data has 99% coverage across Australia, including all Australian states and territories (except the ACT).

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