As a Credit Reporting Body, illion recognises the importance of protecting the information it holds including the special protection that is applied to credit reporting information.

This Policy outlines illion’s credit reporting policy and should be read in conjunctions with illion’s Privacy Policy.  If a printed copy of this policy is required this can be requested via our Public Access Centre on 13 23 33 or by email request to  If required in a particular format, illion’s Public Access Centre will take reasonable steps to make this happen but may charge a fee depending on the format required.


illion Legal Entity

This policy applies to the illion entity:


illion Data Registries Pty Ltd

D-U-N-S 75 014 4649
ABN 38 101 620 446
ACN 101 620 446

To simplify matters illion refers to itself as “us” “we” and “our” in this policy.


The kinds of Credit Reporting Information we collect

Credit reporting information includes personal information as well as information about consumer credit, this includes how the individual has managed credit obtained primarily for personal, family or household purposes.  This includes:

  • Identification information (such as name / address / date of birth etc);
  • Details of the credit provider, mortgage insurer or trade insurer involved in the provision of credit;
  • Repayment history information (limited to certain Credit Providers such as Banks and Finance Companies);
  • Financial hardship information (limited to certain Credit Providers such as Banks and Finance Companies);
  • Type and amount of credit;
  • Default information;
  • Payment information;
  • New arrangement information;
  • Personal insolvency information; and
  • Publicly available information.


How we collect and hold Credit Reporting Information

As a provider of information services, we collect information from individuals directly as well as from our customers and third-party service providers.  This includes Credit Providers, Utility Providers and Telecommunication Companies, as well as information from AFSA’s Personal Insolvency records, Court records and ASIC’s publicly available databases.

The majority of the credit reporting information is collected from Credit Providers who either have provided or are considering providing a credit product or service to an individual.

As per our Privacy Policy we are serious about the security of the information we collect and recognise the importance of treating credit reporting information appropriately. Credit reporting information relating to Australian consumers is held in Australia.


The kinds of information we derive from Credit Reporting Information

As noted above we collect credit reporting information from various sources. This information is aggregated to then allow us to provide to our customers, the individual or their representative.

To assist individuals and our customers in understanding credit worthiness we may derive certain information from all of the credit reporting information we hold.  An example of this is a credit score which is information that is available to our customers and the individual directly when they request credit reporting information from us.


The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose Credit Reporting Information

Some of the most common purposes are:

  • assisting our customers in assessing applications for personal or business related credit;
  • assisting individuals and businesses in understanding their credit worthiness;
  • for identity verification purposes for individuals and our customers;
  • managing our relationship with individuals and our customers;
  • assisting our customers in credit management and debt recovery;
  • assisting our customers in risk management;
  • undertaking research, analytics and/or benchmarking in relation to credit activities;
  • for audit and compliance purposes: and
  • to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.


Direct Marketing and Credit Reporting Information

We do not use or allow credit reporting information to be used for Direct Marketing; this is not a permissible use.

While Direct Marketing is not permissible the use of certain credit information for “pre-screening” purposes is permitted. Pre-screening allows a Credit Provider to exclude individuals from a direct marketing campaign where the individual is deemed ineligible for the product/service in question based on the Credit Provider’s eligibility criteria. Even if a Credit Provider does use the pre-screening service, they will not see any credit information relating to the individuals.

If an individual does not want their credit information used for pre-screening purposes, they should advise us using the contact details below.


Preventing Fraud

If an individual has been a victim of fraud or believes they are likely to be a victim of fraud (including identity fraud) they can request illion to place a ban on their credit file using the Credit Report Ban Request form. This also allows for a Ban request to be made to the other credit reporting bodies.

Initially a ban will be put in place for 21 days. This will prevent a credit provider from accessing credit reporting information from illion and reduce the likelihood of credit being provided fraudulently.

If a ban is put in place illion will confirm with the individual the duration of the ban and inform them when the ban period will expire.

While a ban is in place, a Credit Provider will not be able to access credit reporting information from us, this may limit the Credit Provider’s capacity to make a full credit assessment. If a ban is in place an individual may request for the ban to be removed to allow their credit information to be shared, they can then re-instate the ban if still required.


How to access Credit Reporting Information

We recognise the accuracy of the credit reporting information we hold about an individual is critical to our business so encourage individuals to obtain their information and identify and correct any errors where they exist.

To access your credit report please go to, where once identified you will be able to view the credit reporting information held by illion.

If there are other concerns regarding your credit report, please contact our Public Access Centre using the following contact points:

Telephone:                         13 23 33


To access your credit report from the other two Credit Reporting Bodies in Australia please refer to:


How to correct Credit Reporting Information

While we take reasonable steps to ensure that the credit reporting information held by us is accurate and up to date, we rely on our customers and individuals to inform us if the information we hold is inaccurate or incomplete.

It is important that any errors are corrected; these should be raised through the Public Access Centre on the details above or use the Request correction option when logged in to the website


How to lodge a complaint about the handling of Credit Reporting Information

We aim to address enquiries and service requests quickly and efficiently, however we understand there are times when things may go wrong and an individual may want to make a complaint.

To make a complaint it may be beneficial to complete the Online Form to ensure all relevant information is available, otherwise please speak with us on the contact number above.  Alternatively, you may write to us at:

Attention to:                      Privacy Complaints

Company:                           illion Australia

Postal Address:                 PO Box 7405, St Kilda Rd, Melbourne, VIC 3004


As per our complaint handling policy we will acknowledge receipt of a complaint by the end of the next business day. We will then investigate the complaint and provide a response within 30 days, if we have access to all necessary information. In cases where further information, assessment or investigation is required, we will seek to agree on an acceptable alternative time frame.

If the complaint continues to be unresolved there may be the option to escalate the matter to an external body.  This could be to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or the Australian Financial Complaints Authority


Policy updated June 2024