Jun 07 2022 illion to receive commercial ATO tax default data
illion is pleased to announce we have signed an agreement with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to receive commercial tax default data. This agreement will see tax default data which meets the ATO criteria (see below) listed in commercial credit reports, reflected in our risk scores and visible within our various monitoring platforms.
ATO Tax Default…
May 09 2022 Banking transaction data a useful credit assessment tool
The banking transaction data available through open banking offers a powerful add-on to credit reporting data and internal credit scores, giving lenders greater confidence when assessing loan applications from “credit immature” borrowers.
This is the key finding of an illion study of how Australian consumers with little or no credit profile are dealt with by lenders.…
Mar 16 2022 Russian sanctions and global supply chains
New Russian sanctions have serious implications for global supply chains
To mitigate legal risks, any businesses potentially exposed to Russian clients or suppliers should perform ad hoc sanctions screenings immediately, and be alert to the evolving situation.This involves checking that any individuals, organisations or third parties you are dealing with are not subject these new sanctions.
Dec 22 2021 How to unlock the power of open banking with the Consumer Data Right
With Australians now sharing their financial data, new opportunities are opening for both small and large businesses.
Consumer awareness and confidence about the benefits of data sharing is growing, as greater competition in the financial services market improves customer experiences.
For businesses to access this new wealth of data, certain regulatory requirements must be met.
Our quick guide…
Nov 30 2021 Keeping an eye on complex structures
Non-individual customers can present a higher level of risk than individual customers.
Verifying the identity of the beneficial owners behind a complex business structure requires much greater due diligence.
One key obligation is to consider the various risks these beneficial owners may pose to your business and the Australian community.
The challenges behind non-individual customers
In a recent report… -
Oct 11 2021 Understanding partial CCR account data
We have recently announced that Optus is the first company to provide partial CCR account data to credit bureaus.
As partial CCR data does not include a customer’s repayment history, its important credit providers understand how to interpret the data.
In light of this, we would like to explain exactly what this data represents and how it…
Oct 07 2021 How technology can reduce your FX risk and improve processes
The world’s foreign exchange market is one of the most traded financial markets, with an average turnover of a staggering $6.6 trillion per day.
Within that market, the Australian dollar has a significant share of traded currencies, and is increasingly susceptible to fraud, AML/CTF and compliance risks.
Today, more than ever, the demand for faster and easier…
Sep 29 2021 Fraud and money laundering remain a problem for NBLF sector
AUSTRAC has released a risk assessment of the Non-Bank Lending and Financing sector (NBLFs).
This insightful report has confirmed AUSTRAC’s overall assessment of the money laundering and terrorism funding risk for NBLFs as medium, however specific risks that need to be considered are identified.
The main threat faced by NBLFs is fraud, particularly loan application fraud, identity…
Aug 25 2021 Australia moves on human rights – Are you exposed?
For more than half a century, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other widely endorsed conventions have established a global framework for promoting respect for human rights.
Despite these worthy initiatives, the ability to deter human rights violations and enforce international accountability for those responsible for such abuses, have proven to be significant…
Jun 29 2021 AML spotlight burns brighter
New reforms to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act have now come into effect.
According to AUSTRAC, the reforms aim to streamline compliance and help protect business from money laundering, terrorism financing and other serious crimes. Customer identification procedures are a key feature of the changes.These include:
New circumstances in which reporting entities may rely…