Like many professional service providers, despite having significant skills and experience, Paul Ollett has found the process of finding clients and accessing profitable projects a never-ending challenge.

About Hydralinc:
HYDRALINC is a Gold Coast based, water engineering company which provides businesses and organisations with affordable and flexible, specialist water services.
Industry: Business Services
Solution: TenderLink’s e-Notification Subscription
Surging the flow of sales leads
HYDRALINC is a Gold Coast-based water engineering company providing specialist water consultancy services ranging from resource evaluations to storm and flood risk assessments.
Describing past efforts as “somewhat hit and miss”, most of HYDRALINC’s assignments to date have come through door-knocking.
“I’ve been targeting people who might have suitable work and relying on word of mouth, mostly,” Paul explains. “I’ve also advertised and done the conference thing, but not had much success with either of those.” Paul Ollett, Director & Principal Water Engineer, HYDRALINC
The TenderLink ability
Paul first heard about TenderLink from a colleague who asked him to collaborate on a joint tender submission for an opportunity which had been delivered by TenderLink. The colleague said the system seemed to be delivering more real prospects than other services he had encountered.
Paul decided to explore further and was struck by the professionalism of the sales person who took the time to understand HYDRALINC’s services, then showed him a range of current relevant tenders in the system, along with a number of subscription options. “It was clear that TenderLink weren’t just tapping into local government tenders, but digging deep and uncovering opportunities in places I’d never find,” he notes, adding that he is now seeing a range of prospective assignments from a broad spectrum of buyer organisations.
Paul had no hesitation in signing up for a one year, three-state subscription which would notify him of any relevant tenders in his home state of Queensland, as well as New South Wales and Victoria. “It was quickly clear to me that if the subscription generated a single job, it would pay for itself and, over time, generate a healthy ROI.” After all, time spent chasing opportunities comes at the expense of billable hours.